The object of the card game is to get students thinking about the stock market and how current events may affect stock value. Students begin the game with a random hand of cards (stocks & bonds) that is considered their “investment portfolio.” Stocks are worth various points depending on the stock sector. Pretending to be stockbrokers on a trading floor, students trade their stocks and bonds with each other. After every round they play, there is a breaking news update that may positively or negatively affect certain stocks in their “portfolio.” The player with the highest amount of points in the last round wins the game! The key takeaway from this game is the importance of portfolio diversification.

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Vault FiQ Trivia

Host a game of financial trivia with students using a digital game board. No materials required, all you need is a laptop and the school’s projector to let the competition...

Venture Certificate

Congratulate your students’ financial education knowledge with this certificate!

High School Financial Literacy Certificate

Congratulate your students’ financial education knowledge with this certificate!

Would You Rather

Students make a series of financial choices, either “this” or “that” and then discuss the implications of that choice.