Course Description

Preparing students to succeed post-graduation means equipping them now with the skills and knowledge to identify and intervene when they witness unsafe or unhealthy behavior with friends or coworkers. Research shows that the most effective prevention education requires messaging that is tailored to diverse populations and delivered across the student lifecycle.

EVERFI’s Sexual Assault Prevention Suite is a comprehensive education solution that engages students as they progress, fostering healthy relationships and preparing them to recognize and respond to sexual assault and harassment when it occurs.

Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduate Students learners will recognize sexual assault and harassment behavior, identify healthy and unhealthy relationship practices, practice skills to navigate consent-focused conversations, and safely engage in bystander intervention. This course reflects training requirements outlined in the 2020 Title IX changes.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn strategies to recognize and take action in risky or harmful situations
  • Identify healthy and unhealthy relationship practices
  • Practice skills to navigate consent-focused learner attitudes and behaviors
  • Learn how to access resources for support
  • Safely engage in bystander intervention

Course Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction

The introduction welcomes learners into the course. Instructions will help ease learners into the course design and content, and students are introduced to the topic of sexual assault prevention.

  • 1 Customizable Content Page
  • 1 Custom Video Page
  • Pre-Course Survey
  • Pre-CourseQuiz

Module 2: Values, Identities, and Relationships

In this module, learners reflect on their identities and personal values, and explore how these influence their perceptions of relationships and sexual violence. Learners will be introduced to federal laws and university policies related to sexual assault and will explore characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. 

  • 3 Customizable Content Pages
  • Additional Resources for:
    • Local Support Information
    • Medical/Healthcare Options

Module 3: Identities and Stereotypes

In this module, learners reflect on their identities and personal values, and explore how these influence their perceptions of relationships and sexual violence. Learners will be introduced to federal laws and university policies related to sexual assault and will explore characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. 

  • Custom Sexual Misconduct Policy
  • 1 Customizable Content Page
  • 1 Custom Video Page

Module 4: Our Values and Relationships

In this module, learners explore the many characteristics of healthy relationships, and how to recognize relationship abuse both in person and online.

  • 1 Customizable Content Page
  • 1 Custom Video Page

Module 5: Consent, Coercion, and Stepping In

Learners  will explore consent in various contexts and reflect on how different circumstances might inhibit an individual’s ability to give consent. Learners will understand the difference between consent and coercion and identify strategies for intervening safely. 

  • 2 Customizable Content Pages
  • Additional Resources for:
    • Consent Definition
    • Student Groups & Organizations

Module 6: Sexual Harassment and Stalking

Learners will understand different forms of sexual harassment that are common in a higher education environment including verbal harassment and stalking.  Learners will identify situations when additional help might be needed and strategies for bystander intervention. Finally, learners will review federal and state laws relevant to stalking.

  • 1 Customizable Content Page
  • 1 Custom Video Page

Module 7: Reporting and Responding

This module provides the learner with guidance on responding to disclosures using empathetic and active listening skills. It introduces the learner to reporting options and the grievance/disciplinary process, and shares local and national resources.

  • 3 Customizable Content Pages
  • Additional Resources for:
    • School & Local Resources
    • Reporting Contact Information
  • Student Engagement Survey is in this section

Module 8: Conclusion

This module allows for multiple configurable pages and provides a brief summary of the content introduced in this course.

  • 2 Customizable Content Pages

There is an additional post-course, follow-up survey (which mirrors the pre-course survey) that is assigned as a separate learning activity and considered Part 2. EVERFI recommends assigning Part 2 of the course 30-45 days after the learner completes Part 1.

This 30-45 day intersession period allows learners to process the information from the course, start putting their new knowledge and skills into practice, and become more acclimated to their environment. This enables the Part 2 follow-up survey to assess changes in learner attitudes and behaviors, as well as the impact of the school or organization environment.

Automated Assignments can be used to implement an intersession.

Post-Course Survey

Course Materials and Tools

White Papers

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