Preventing Harassment & Discrimination Suite

EVERFI’s Preventing Harassment and Discrimination provides a next-generation tool to build organizational and institutional cultures that promote respect and professionalism, thereby preventing harassment and discrimination.

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Insider Trading

Equip your employees with the knowledge to identify and avoid insider training.

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Suite

EVERFI’s Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Suite is built to provide the skills employees, leaders, and students need to work together in an increasingly diverse community.

Bridges: Taking Action

Bridges: Taking Action provides ongoing education addressing how to identify and report different types of sexual misconduct committed against students.

Building Supportive Communities: Clery Act & T...

Building Supportive Communities introduces faculty and staff to Title IX and the Clery Act, and prepares them to provide supportive and effective responses to sexual violence, relationship abuse or violence, or stalking.