Learners will explore key concepts including identity, equity,
diversity, inclusive behavior, allyship and self care.
Course Description
AlcoholEdu for College: Primary educates incoming first-year students with information about alcohol and other drugs, bystander intervention training and can be customized to include information about campus policies as required by EDGAR 86. This course also provides differentiated pathing for students based on their previous drinking experiences, and includes dedicated pathing for non-drinkers and students in recovery.
AlcoholEdu for College: Primary has been proven effective in 8 peer-reviewed studies and is used by 700,000+ first-year students annually.
Learning Objectives
- Provide information about alcohol and other drugs, and campus policies as required by EDGAR Part 86
- Equip students with bystander intervention training to intervene when witnessing dangerous or concerning behavior
- Inform students about the emotional and physical effects of cannabis and e-cigarette use
Course Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction
Learners are welcomed to the course and receive an overview of course objectives. They are introduced to the concept of a standard drink measurement before taking the first survey in Module 2.
- 2 Customizable Content Pages
- 1 Custom Video Page
- Pre-Assessment Quiz
Module 2: It’s Your Choice
Learners take the survey and then receive feedback personalized to their drinking profile, including expectations calibration and social norming. They hear from peers on how alcohol use can affect the college experience and have an opportunity to reflect on their own choices.
- 8 Customizable Content Pages
- 4 Custom Video Pages
- Pre-Course Survey (Survey 1)
- Drinker Profile Question
- Student Engagement Survey
Module 3: Expectations & Relationships
Learners encounter social norming and a discussion of expectations for their college experience, including how alcohol use can affect relationships, as well as strategies for finding connections without using alcohol or other drugs and for managing stress.
- 2 Customizable Content Pages
- 1 Custom Video Page
Module 4: Brain & Body
Learners explore the effects AOD use can have on the brain and body. They hear from peers about protective strategies they use, and from experts explaining substance use disorders. Includes content on cannabis and vaping. Learners also explore how alcohol can affect one’s ability to consent to sexual activity.
- 2 Customizable Content Pages
- 1 Custom Video Page
Module 5: Being in Community
Learners encounter federal and state laws and campus policies, and learn how to care for others in an emergency. They also learn to recognize the warning signs of substance use disorders and practice bystander intervention strategies. Learners hear directly from students in recovery about how everyone’s recovery journey is different, and how they can support their peers who are in recovery.
- 2 Customizable Content Pages
- 1 Custom Video Page
- Custom Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy Acknowledgement
- 1 Additional Custom Policy
Module 6: Goals and Plans
Learners engage in planning, goal-setting, and reflection. They hear from peers on their college goals, and both drinkers and abstainers identify personal strategies for staying safe around alcohol and other drugs.
- 1 Customizable Content Page
- Student Engagement Survey
Module 7: Conclusion
Concluding module with final exam and survey. Learners are reminded of national and campus resources and encounter additional articles and videos on course topics.
- 1 Customizable Content Page
- 1 Custom Video Page
- In-Course Survey (Survey 2)
- Post-Assessment Exam
The purpose of the Part 2 Survey is to measure learning outcomes and behavioral changes resulting from going through this course.
We recommend assigning Part 2 after a 4-6 week intersession is to allow learners to incorporate what they learned into their daily lives and experiences with their peers.
Automated Assignments can be used to implement an intersession.
Post-Course Survey