Equip your employees with the knowledge to identify and avoid insider training.
Course Description
This course aims to provide peace of mind for your organization and employees when conducting everyday business—especially when facing an ethical dilemma such as gift-giving and receiving. It teaches employees how to recognize and avoid conflicts of interest in the workplace, whether they are personal, financial, or family-related interests.
Learning Objectives
- Define “conflict of interest”
- Identify different types of conflicts of interest
- Identify negative consequences of conflicts of interest
- Explain the relationship between conflicts of interest and corruption
- Identify methods of preventing conflicts of interest
- Define disclosure
- Explain the importance of transparency in the workplace
Course Syallabus
This module provides a brief introduction to the topic of conflicts of interest to prepare the learner for subsequent modules.
- 1 Customizable Content Page
- 1 Custom Video Page
This module lays the groundwork for a fundamental understanding of conflicts of interest through defining the term and identifying different types. It continues on to tie conflicts of interest with the potential for corruption and identifies the negative consequences that may occur. The learner practices identifying conflicts of interest and responding to them through interactive scenarios before reviewing a brief summary of the module.
- 1 Customizable Content Page
This module presents various methods of prevention and dealing with conflicts of interest when identified. Through exploring the barriers to reporting and practicing these methods of prevention by applying them to interactive scenarios, the learner gains a full picture of what actions to take should they suspect conflicts of interest in their own workplace.
- 2 Customizable Content Pages
This module provides a brief conclusion and summary of the course content. This is the module you share your policies and additional resources.
- 3 Custom Policies
- 4 Customizable Content Pages
- 1 Custom Video Page
Course Materials and Tools
For Higher Education Institutions
For Companies and Organizations